Another enjoyable event at Waterperry House this year. After coming first last year in the ‘Best of the best’ exhibition, I was great to be given the 2nd prize this year. Even better it was a fellow glass demonstrator Liam who won first place. With two first places and a second prize in the last two events, the glass demonstrators have done well recently considering in the over 20 year old history of the event glass had never won it before. A huge feather in he cap for Steven Prendigast and his team who organise the glass show.
Less successful were my own demonstrations. This year partly through problems with the kiln and my own stupidity most of the pieces cracked.
I decided to demonstrate some other forms rather than just Waves as I mentioned in the post below. Other than the ‘Frog’ piece they were pretty disastrous. However it gave those viewing a taste of what often happens for real.
I also enjoyed putting faces on a few previous customers who came to the event. It is always good to meet owners of your work in person and some at least saw the process of how my work is made.
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